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    GAO Conference 2023

    H20xford: Water flowing through Archaeology

  • The annual international conference of Graduate Archaeology at Oxford

    27-28-29 March 2023 - The Ioannou Centre, 66 St Giles' (Oxford)

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    GAO Society

    The GAO (Graduate Archaeology at Oxford) is organising the annual Conference open to graduates with relevant topics from all over the world.

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    GAO 2023

    Location and streaming

    The Conference will be held in presence and streamed online at the Ioannou Centre (66 St Giles') in Oxford from the 27th to the 29th of March 2023. For those who want to follow us online a link will be provided.

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    Deadline: 05/01/2023

    Send us your abstract at gao2023@arch.ox.ac.uk

    Deadline for abstract submission: 5th of January 2023 (EXTENDED to 20th of January).

    English will be the official language.

  • Call for Papers

    The annual Graduate Archaeology at Oxford (GAO) Conference warmly invites graduate and early career researchers to share their ideas and works with the wider archaeological community at this year’s in-person conference to be held at Oxford from 27th to 29th of March 2023.
    The theme of this year’s event is water and the archaeological remnants of human interactions with and through this essential element of life.
    Within this broad theme, we welcome relevant papers and posters adopting innovative and diverse methodologies across all geographical and chronological contexts.
    Contributions may discuss but are not limited to, topics relating to:
    • Maritime archaeology, underwater excavations, harbours, and trade.
    • Material and theoretical approaches (e.g., deposition of objects, artistic representations, containers of water, etc.).
    • Technology and tools (e.g., fountains, mills, aqueducts, and others).
    • Landscape and environmental interactions and perspectives.

    Abstracts and deadline

    Abstracts of no more than 300 words may be submitted to gao2023@arch.ox.ac.uk by January 5th, 2023 (EXTENDED to 20th of January).
    Paper presentations will be published at peer-reviewed Conference Proceedings with BAR Publishing. After the conference, all speakers will be contacted if interested in publishing their papers. 
    The Conference will be streamed online and the link for viewing will be provide for everyone who wishes to join us.
    We greatly look forward to your contributions. If you have any questions regarding the conference or any material you may wish to present, please feel free to contact the conference organisers.
    Cristina Laurenti and John Dinges
    GAO 2023 Conference Co-organisers
  • Programme

    MS Teams links:

    Day 1: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZmZjYTU3OWMtZWYwMi00NWM0LWE4ZWMtMmJmNjFlZGJlYjMw%40thread.v2/0?context=%7B%22Tid%22%3A%22cc95de1b-97f5-4f93-b4ba-fe68b852cf91%22%2C%22Oid%22%3A%223ef09f38-3a88-498d-8bf0-b903e9a23616%22%2C%22IsBroadcastMeeting%22%3Atrue%2C%22role%22%3A%22a%22%7D&btype=a&role=a
    Day 2: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MDg2ZTBjZWItNGFmNC00OTgzLWI4YjAtNTUwZjU0NTI0OWYy%40thread.v2/0?context=%7B%22Tid%22%3A%22cc95de1b-97f5-4f93-b4ba-fe68b852cf91%22%2C%22Oid%22%3A%223ef09f38-3a88-498d-8bf0-b903e9a23616%22%2C%22IsBroadcastMeeting%22%3Atrue%2C%22role%22%3A%22a%22%7D&btype=a&role=a
    Day 3: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_YTJmMmJjMzctMjRhNy00MWJjLWI4NDUtMThlOGEzN2U2NmMz%40thread.v2/0?context=%7B%22Tid%22%3A%22cc95de1b-97f5-4f93-b4ba-fe68b852cf91%22%2C%22Oid%22%3A%223ef09f38-3a88-498d-8bf0-b903e9a23616%22%2C%22IsBroadcastMeeting%22%3Atrue%2C%22role%22%3A%22a%22%7D&btype=a&role=a

    DAY 1 - 27th March

    [09.30-10.00] Registration and Welcome
    [10.00-10.20] Keynote Speaker speech: Dr. Andrea Camilli.
    [Session: Prehistory and Protohistory. Chairing: Emanuele Prezioso and Oscar Lozada]
    [10.20-10.40] Chris Dwan: Memory and landscape stability on the Welsh Severn Estuary: prehistoric landscape use in a dynamic coastal environment.
    [10.40-11.00] Angela Falezza: Mediterranean ports of interactions: Aegean and Southern Italy in the Late Bronze Age.
    [11.00-11.20] Dimitrios Papageorgiou, Andreas Ladas: The role of waterways in shipbuilding.
    [11.20-11.40] [Coffee break]
    [11.40-12.00] Amy Holguin, Mike Charles, Amy Bogaard: Life on the lakeshore: the plant food-systems of the Late Neolithic in the southern Balkan.
    [12.00-12.20] Marie-Claire Ries: Where are the prehistoric pile dwellings sites of Carinthia? New perspectives on prehistoric lake settlement sites in south-eastern Austria.
    [12.20-12.40] Tjaark Siemssen: Wet Feet. Funnel Beaker monuments and the entanglement of waterscape and humans in the Elbe-Wester Triangle.
    [12.40-13.00] Dionysis Danelatos, Sara Garcês, Telmo Pereira, Hugo Gomes, Opeyemi Adewumi, Alexandre Filipe Silva Paya, Hipólito Giraldo Collado, George Nash: Rivers of Western Iberia and their Upper Palaeolithic open air rock art: Summarizing views on their function and spatial importance.
    [13.00-14.30] [Lunch break and Poster presentation]
    --------------------[Session: Water Management. Chairing: Corso Dominici]
    [14.30-14.50] Myrto Kokkalia: «Τήνος Υδρούσα»: reflections on water management in Ancient Tenos.
    [14.50-15.10] Davide Gangale Risoleo: The caput aquae of the aqueduct of Santa Maria in Stelle, Verona: a private aqueduct serving a community or a place of worship for a community?
    [15.10-15.30] Julian Aponte-Henao: Hydraulic structures in the Roman buildings for spectacles in Hispania. Balance of findings and references.
    [15.30-15.50] Christina Monroe: Results of preliminary research on cuniculi (Shaft-and-Tunnel Water Systems) in Ancient Italy.
    [15.50-16.20] [End of the day with coffee break]

    DAY 2 - 28th March

                            [Session: Maritime Archaeology. Chairing: Cristina Laurenti and Gabrielle Faig]
    [10.00-10.20] Caterina Lobianco: Discovering maritime sanctuaries in Magna Graecia.
    [10.20-10.40] Elisabetta di Virgilio: Practical usage of water in ancient sanctuaries: sacred meals and cooking methods at the sanctuary of Fondo Patturelli in ancient Capua (Italy).
    [10.40-11.00] Sean Silvia: Meandering to the Mediterranean: riverine exportation of Dokimeion marble through the Maeander River Valley to the Sea.
    [11.00-11.30] [Coffee break]
    [11.30-11.50] Dimitrios Karampas: Harbours and shipwrecks in Imperial Crete.
    [11.50-12.10] Maurice Thurn: Seeking the agent’s perspective in harbour cities of the Iberian Peninsula.
    [12.10-12.30] Jordy Moies: Monitoring shipwreck sites in the North Sea, using Multibeam echosounders.
    [12.30-14.00] [Lunch break and Poster presentation]
    --------------------[Session: Landscape, rivers, and coastal changes. Chairing: Myrto Kokkalia]
    [14.00-14.20] Karl Smith: Quantifying maritime visibility in coastal promontory forts.
    [14.20-14.40] Marion Foucher, Annie Dumont, Catherine Lavier, Philippe Moyat, Ronan Steinmann: Dealing with river hazards in urban environments. Strategies and impacts of the Little Ice Age in Burgundian towns, revealed through archives and underwater archaeology.
    [14.40-15.00] Deanna Cunningham: Rituals, rivers, and the Romans: deconstructing the significance of sacred rivers in the creation of Roman Britain.
    [15.00-15.20] [Coffee break]
    [15.20-15.40] John Angus Macaulay: De Lapide Acato: interpreting evidence for mollusc harvesting in an Early Medieval seascape.
    [15.40-16.00] Isabella Glušauskaite: Oeslian Maritime Culture in a new perspective.
    [16.00-16.40] Discussion led by Keynote Speaker: Dr. Andrea Camilli.

    DAY 3 - 29th March

    [10.00-10.30] Keynote Speaker speech: Dr. Damian Robinson.
                            [Session: Middle Ages and Modern times. Chairing: John Dinges]
    [10.30-10.50] Guopeng Chen: Rejuvenation, sexuality, and speech act: “Fountain of youth” motif on ivory materials in the 14–15th centuries Europe.
    [10.50-11.10] Abigail Parkes: And you have my bow, re-examining the role of archery aboard Mary Rose.
    [11.10-11.30] Roswyn Wiltshire: Antiquarian on the quarter-deck: classical archaeology and the Victorian navy.
    [11.30-12.00] [Coffee break]
    --------------------[Session: Outside Europe. Chairing: Akari Goda-Maurezzutt]
    [12.00-12.20] Agni Mochtar: Lashed-lug vessels from Indonesia: seafaring tradition in the pre-modern Southeast Asia.
    [12.20-12.40] Ella Speckeen: ‘The Graveyard of Ships’: perspectives on maritime cultural landscapes in the Pacific Northwest.
    [12.40-13.00] Leah Tavasi: The liminal tradition within the ritual, political, and spiritual landscape of Mayan cenotes.
    [13.00-14.40] [Lunch break]
    --------------------[Session: Methodology and theory. Chairing: Angela Falezza]
    [14.40-15.00] Pascal Hoffmann: River deltas between geoarchaeology and ancient numerology. A critical study of ancient geographers.
    [15.00-15.20] Soledad Solana Rubio: Non-intrusive methodology for the documentation of Underwater Cultural Heritage: practical implementation on “El Anclote”, a shipwreck from the 2nd century AD in the bay of Algeciras (Spain).
    [15.20-15.50] [Coffee break]
    [15.50-16.10] Savannah Bishop: From Confiscation to Context and Conservation: a new integrated methodological approach for the Amalfi seabed amphorae of the Minori Villa Romana and Antiquarium.
    [16.10-16.30] Carlotta Lucarini: Below the lagoon waters: between old and new methodologies.
    [16.30-17.00] [Closing reception]
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  • Contact Us

    If you have more enquiries don't be afraid to reach out

    66 St Giles', Oxford OX1 3LU
  • Our sponsors

    This GAO Conference wouldn't be possible without their support

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    Bar Publishing

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    Oxford Centre for Maritime Archaeology